Joe SegalStream 3wood & aluminum50" x 11" x 3”
Joe SegalStream 2wood & aluminum50" x 11" x 3”
Joe SegalAxis 3wood, acrylic & aluminum48" x 13.5" x 3.5"
Joe SegalCove Vwood & aluminum64" x 16" x 3"
Joe SegalReturn 2wood67" x 9" x 3"
Joe SegalReturn 3wood48" x 12" x 3"
Joe SegalDusk 23concrete & stainless steel13" x 13" x 1”Joe Segal, Dusk 23$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalDusk 24concrete & stainless steel13" x 13" x 1"Joe Segal, Dusk 24$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalDusk 22concrete & stainless steel13" x 13" x 1"Joe Segal, Dusk 22$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalCurrentconcrete & stainless steel13” x 1”Joe Segal, Current$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalCurrent 2concrete & stainless steel13” x 1”Joe Segal, Current 2$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalDusk 11concrete and stainless steel13" x 13" x 1"Joe Segal, Dusk 11$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalDeparture 21wood & stainless steel65" x 9.5" x 3"
Joe SegalDeparture 20wood & stainless steel65" x 9.5" x 3"
Joe SegalRemainder 10wood & aluminum21" x 8” x 1.5"Joe Segal, Remainder 10$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalRemainder 11wood & aluminum21" x 8” x 1.5"Joe Segal, Remainder 11$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalRemainder 12wood & aluminum21" x 8” x 1.5"Joe Segal, Remainder 12$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalRemainder 5wood and aluminum21" x 6" x 2"Joe Segal, Remainder 5$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalRemainder 6wood and aluminum21" x 6" x 2"Joe Segal, Remainder 6$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalRemainder 13wood & aluminum21" x 8” x 1.5"Joe Segal, Remainder 13$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalCleave 8wood & aluminum18" x 9" x 3"Joe Segal, Cleave 8$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalTurnwood81" x 14" x 14"
Joe SegalRemainder 8wood and aluminum21" x 6" x 2"
Joe SegalRemainder 2wood & aluminum21" x 6"
Joe SegalDusk 6wood, acrylic & aluminum32" x 3"
Joe SegalStream 4wood, acrylic and aluminum51" x 11" x 3"
Joe SegalStream 5wood, acrylic and aluminum51" x 11" x 3"
Joe SegalParting 3wood & aluminum45" x 15" x 3"
Joe SegalRemainder 7wood and aluminum21" x 6" x 2"
Joe SegalDusk 12concrete and stainless steel13" x 1"
Joe SegalDusk 13concrete and stainless steel13" x 1"
Joe SegalDusk 14concrete and stainless steel13" x 1"
Joe SegalStill 4wood & copper62" x 7" x 3"
Joe SegalRemainder 1wood & aluminum21" x 6"
Joe SegalRemainder 4wood & aluminum21" x 6"
Joe SegalRemainder 3wood & aluminum21" x 6"
Joe SegalDivision 2wood, acrylic & aluminum69" x 11" x 3"
Joe SegalDusk 10concrete and stainless steel13" x 13" x 1"
Joe SegalDusk 8concrete and stainless steel13" x 13" x 1"
Joe SegalDusk 9concrete and stainless steel13" x 13" x 1"
Joe SegalDusk 7concrete & Stainless Steel24" x 24"
Joe SegalDeparture 6wood62" x 9" x 3"
Joe SegalChrysalis 2Wood & Acrylic39" x 16" x 3"
Joe SegalStill 3wood & copper62" x 7" x 3" each
Joe SegalDivisionwood, acrylic & aluminum69" x 11" x 3"
Joe SegalCore VIWood & Aluminum64" x 16" x 3"
Joe SegalDusk 1concrete & stainless steel13" x 1"
Joe SegalDusk 2concrete & stainless steel13" x 1"
Joe SegalDusk 3concrete & stainless steel13" x 1"
Joe SegalYoke IIWood, Acrylic and Aluminum23" x 12"
Joe SegalMargin IVWood, Acrylic and Aluminum23" x 12"
Joe SegalMargin IIIwood, acrylic and aluminum41" x 13"
Joe SegalScale 4, 2023wood & mixed media12.75" x 2" x 1.25”Joe Segal, Scale 4, 2023$ 1,500.00
Joe SegalScale 5, 2023wood & mixed media12.75" x 2" x 1.25”Joe Segal, Scale 5, 2023$ 1,500.00
"I work with wood, stone or concrete as a starting point for my sculptures and create metaphors for our relationship with nature. We process a raw material into a state that is useful by eliminating its variations and distinctions. This act of manipulation for the sake of utility is the essence of our connection to the natural world.
Salvaged lumber is particularly intriguing because of its history. The trees that were cut down to produce some of the timbers I use started growing hundreds of years ago and many of the buildings made from these beams stood for a century or longer. Each ring that is seen on the wood's end grain represents a year: the passage of a cycle. We feel connected to wood not only by its ubiquity in our surroundings but because its lifespan is somewhat in synch with our own.
Stone also reflects a series of cycles but on a much larger scale. The heat and pressure that transforms minerals into stone takes place over millions of years but patterns of movement reminiscent of wood grain are visible. Similar designs are seen in cloud formations. Pondering this reoccurrence in nature is a foundation of my work.
Exploring the essence of the substance I'm working with is what led me to work with concrete. I combine different pigments and aggregates to echo the formative processes found in natural materials. A thought-provoking aspect of concrete is that it's the product of combining different elements that become stronger by being merged with one another.
My reverence for materials compels me to create simple compositions. I don't feel a need for designs that are complicated or particularly diverse. I prefer to examine the ramifications of my actions with respect to the material.
My sculptures are observations of time passing. There is a notion that time is linear: the past is somewhere behind us while the future is farther ahead. There is also a cyclical concept of time: the sunrises and sets every day, the seasons come every year. These two ideas are illustrated by making organic sculptures that are divided with rectilinear elements.
It is my hope to create sculptures that combine contrasting elements in peaceful, meditative compositions that examine our relationship with the natural world and contemplate the most perplexing of human concerns: the passage of time."
- Joe Segal
The Bass Museum of Art, Miami Beach, FL
Baptist Hospital, Jacksonville, FL
CSX Corporation, Jacksonville, FL
Canaan Partners, Menlo Park, CA
City of St. Augustine, FL
Fort Group Development, St. Augustine, FL
Four Seasons Resort, Dallas, TX
Florida School of The Arts, Palatka, FL
Juma Al Majid Corporation, Dubai
JW Marriott Hotel, Miami Kilpatrick Stockton, LLP, Washington, DC
Kilpatrick Stockton, LLP, Washington, DC
Legacy Resorts, Dallas, TX
Lincolnville Museum & Cultural Center, St. Augustine, FL
Lowe Museum of Art, Coral Gables, FL
The Mayor's Collection, City of Jacksonville, FL
Marriott International, Warner Center, CA
Michel Roux, Palm Coast, FL
Mirant Power Inc., Atlanta, GA
Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville, Jacksonville, FL
Museum Towers, Atlanta, GA
Norwegian Cruise Line, Pride of America
Rulon Company, St. Augustine, FL
San Marco Library and Balis Community Center, City of Jacksonville, FL
Vestcor Development, Jacksonville, FL
Vijay and Ardena Singh, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL
Westin Corporation, Charlotte, NC